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"...and that's it ladies and gentlemen. The Panthers once again put another paw mark in the win column. CHS would like to thank its sponsors .... "


Corona High School would like to welcome you to join the tradition of excellence. For over 120 years, CHS has been cultivating the talent of our wonderful student athletes. With over 100 combined Championships in CIF and League, Corona High School knows what it takes to be successful.

In order to create that success, CHS looks for partnerships outside the school to help support student athletic growth. Your contributions go directly to helping these students achieve greatness. With your generous help, we are able to provide our athletes with better equipment and additional competitive opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Help support the future leaders living in our community. Take pride in the fact that you will be helping to foster a positive athletic environment that focuses on personal growth, leadership development, responsible citizenship, and team effort. 

Thank you in advance for supporting athletics and student athletes at CHS.

To become a sponsor please contact Jeff Stevens Assistant Principal of Athletics & Facilities 


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